Wednesday 7 September 2011

Visual Communication an Attractive Course for Girls

Visual Communication an Attractive Course for Girls
Syed Ali Mujtaba

'Visual Communication' or Viscom is a course for those who dare to dream differently. It's pure excitement for the high spirited souls passionate about entering the field of media and entertainment. It's a course where students can specialise in areas such as; Multimedia, Photography, Television, Films, News, Online Media and many more.

Most of the colleges today boasts of a Visual Communication department. The students of Viscom department are the most active lot. They provide vibrancy to campus life by participating in various be it sports, culturals or other extra curricular activities.They win number of prizes at Intra and Inter College culturals.

This is not true for the boys alone even the girls are attracted towards the Visual Communication course in a big way and excelling in many field of activities.

The Visual Communication department of Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai, is a shining example of growing interest of girl students in this course. Here over hundred girls are pursuing this course. The College has a state of art facilities and excellent faculty to run this course. The College nurtures the students from hand drawing to computer imagery, still and video images to the level to producing short films.

Highlights of the Course

Film studies is the most attractive feature of the Viscom course. Students are exposed to Film Studies, Cinematography, Audiography, Direction etc. Many directors, cinematographers, sound engineers who are successful in the field today, are Viscom graduates.

Photography is an other impressive element of the course. With user friendly Cameras, Photography is indeed every body's cup of tea. But professional photography is all together a different cup of tea. It needs professional training and practice and Viscom students who have specialized in photography can emerge as great professional photographers.

Ad Agencies are always on the look out for Viscom graduates. Good talents are absorbed instantly. They are taken in the position of Copy writer, Creative Director Visualizer etc.

Myths about Visual Communication

Even though the course has started almost a decade ago, many parents are still reluctant to enroll their daughters into this course. They are scared about the scope of the course, particularly about the future career opportunities. In addition many parents feel that their daughter have to work in a industry which essentially men dominated and have no time schedule. So they feel Viscom may not be a good course for their girl child. These facts however are far from true.

Its proved that women have a better sense for appreciating beauty. These days many companies prefer women Web Designers/Graphic designers for their aesthetic taste. These companies understand the primary responsibilities and the women employ and they are a little liberal when it comes to the work timings. Expecting mothers and mothers with young child are given flexible timings. They even have the option to work from home. So a women can comfortably work in the media field and as well take care of her family.

In India the demand for web designers have been constantly on rise. The Viscom course is designed in such a way that interested students can specialise in Web Designing. Animation is an other crowd pulling aspect of this course. Students are taught the latest software in Animation. There are students who make a good money working part time on Animation projects.

Many parents the girl child are also worried that cinema industry is a men's world. The scenario is fast changing. Many famous directors have at least one woman Assistant Director and many film directors are themselves women.

Similarly, many women directors and producers are ruling the the Television shows. Many TV shows have a big list of women personnel, assistants, associates etc.

Women Ad film makers have set up high standards in the industry and many of them are the natural choice for the corporates.

Newspaper, Magazine, Radio Television News Channels have huge opportunity for women who have a natural flair for writing. They can develop their skills in writing and become journalist. Women these days are joining the profession of journalism in a big way.

The systematic approach of women are appreciated well in media and entertainment industry. The have a natural edge or men in this industry. So there is s a big opportunity that awaits women in media industry. The route to enter this field is through getting a degree in Visual Communication. So the time is now ripe for girls to take up this course and make a mark in the media industry. There is no stopping for those who have the will and inclination to excel in this field. 

Syed Ali Mujtaba PhD teaches at the department of Visual Communication at Shri Shankarlal Sundarbai Shasun Jain College for Women, Chennai. He can be contacted at


  1. I have gone through your article.It is very helpful for the students who are willing to study visual communication course.Now a days, B Schools are providing high quality of education.Choose one of the best visual communication course in India to build your career.

  2. Thats a very informative post. Also get to know more about Visual communication design courses for the aspirants who wish to create an everlasting strong presence in the media. Thank you and keep sharing.
